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Surgical Instructions

  1. Local Anesthesia, is a technique of injecting anesthetic medications close to the sensory nerve of tooth/gums involved in the surgical plan. Once the surgical is numb, the surgeon proceeds with the treatment.
    • Patients are awake when Local Anesthesia is planned.

  1. Since patients remain awake during procedures performed under Local Anesthesia, they do not need to fast prior to their appointment.
  2. Although patients can drive themselves home in this technique, it is always best to have a family member or friend drive them, as sometimes patient may get dizzy. Syncope or Vasovagal episode or "Dizzy Feeling" can happen after surgery in few patients.

  1. Office Based Sedation or General Anesthesia, is a technique, where a "Sleepy State" is induced with IntraVenous Anesthetic medications.
  2. Dr Mogre practices technique of combining:
    • "Anxiety relieving medication"
    • "Pain relieving medication" and
    • an "Anesthesia Inducing medication"
      • These medications are carefully titrated, for each patients, to induce a state of natural sleep, where patient continue to breathe on their own, but don't feel any pain or discomfort from the surgery.

  1. Patient safety is most important for Dr Mogre and the entire team of Shoreline Oral Facial Surgery & Dental Implants.
  2. All patients undergoing General Anesthesia are attached to the following different monitors:
    • EKG monitors which records how the heart is functioning during anesthesia and surgery
    • Blood Pressure monitor
    • End Tidal Carbon Dioxide monitor or "ETCO2" which monitors how well the patients are breathing during anesthesia and surgery
    • Pulse oximetry which records oxygen saturation in peripheral blood
  3. Patients are given additional Oxygen via nasal hood or cannula throughout their anesthesia and surgery.

  1. Oral & Facial Surgeons, undergo extensive training in General Medicine, General Surgery and Anesthesia during their post graduate residency training.
  2. All Oral & Facial Surgeons are capable of delivering the best and safe Office based General Anesthesia to their patients.
  3. Oral & Facial Surgeons and their Anesthesia team of assistants are well trained to identify and treat complications which may arise during General Anesthesia.
    • Oral Facial Surgeons undergo an Office Evaluation by the Dental Board of California, and receive a permit to administer General Anesthesia, only after a successful demonstration of a safe way to deliver treatment to the patients.

  1. Dr Mogre will evaluate his patients, during initial consultation, and will recommend an ideal Anesthetic plan.
  2. Although, General Anesthesia in the supervision of an Oral & Facial Surgeon is very safe, not all patients qualify for such a technique.
    • Small children, or Patients who have heart or lung problems, or have difficult airway, or have Sleep Apnea, or certain conditions affecting brain, Kidney or liver function are best treated with local anesthetic or in a hospital setting.
    • Patient Safety is a top priority for us, and if we feel that we may not be able to control your airway in an Office based General Anesthesia technique, we will let you know, and suggest an alternative plan.

  1. Patients need to fast or "not eat or drink anything" for 8 hours prior to their surgery under General Anesthesia.
    • This is to avoid any stomach contents to cause an aspiration risk, which can be life threatening.
    • Sometimes, for Diabetics, Dr Mogre will suggest a different fasting plan, so please follow the anesthetic plan as discussed for each patients during their initial consultation.
  2. Home medications can be taken with small sip of water.
  3. Patient need their family members or friends to accompany them and drive them home after the surgery.
  4. It is best to wear loose clothes with short sleeves during the surgical appointment, as we need to have proper access to the veins in the arms.
  5. All piercings should be removed prior to the surgery. Piercings can pose a severe risks of aspiration and loss of airway which can be life threatening.

  1. Sometimes patients could develop bruising at the site of IV access.
  2. The vein used for IV access may get irritated.
  3. Patients can have a reaction to the medications used during anesthesia. Like any anesthetic procedure performed in the hospital, there is a potential for life threatening reaction to the General Anesthesia in the office. However, by reviewing the health history, anesthetic history and performing airway examination; the risk of severe complications is very rare in a Board Certified Oral & Facial Surgeon's office.
  4. Some patients can wake up emotional after General Anesthesia.
  5. Some patients can shiver after Anesthesia.
  6. Some patients can get nauseous or can vomit after anesthesia. The risk of nausea/vomiting is very rare. But unfortunately, if it happens, it may last for few hours.
  7. Patients will feel sleepy for few hours after they reach home, and therefore it is best to just sleep/relax at home, after the surgery is performed under General Anesthesia.

  1. Local anesthesia administration, especially "Block Procedures" are blind techniques and carry a risk of nerve injury, and therefore prolonged or permanent numbness over the injection site. This may include the lower lip, chin, or tongue. This risk is fairly low.
  2. Local anesthetics like any other medications, can lead to allergic reactions.
  3. Sometimes, epinephrine which is an additive used in the local anesthetic can cause the heart to beat faster after its injection.
  4. There is a risk of bruising at the site of injection.
  5. Patients feel a pinch, during the initial administration of the local anesthetic.
  6. The numb feeling, after an effective Local Anesthesia technique can last for few hours, and therefore it is best to avoid excessively hot liquids like coffee or tea, until anesthesia wears off.